Our Most Requested Forms
Some forms may be accessible through a PDF filler called JotForm! These forms can be filled out and submitted on any mobile device.
All other forms can be printed or filled out using your own PDF filler then emailed to info.doa@doa.vi.gov for processing.
Farmer's License Applications
To begin the process of obtaining a Farmer’s License through the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, please see below for more details.
Farmland Tax Exemption
To apply for a 95% tax credit of the real property taxes levied by the Tax Assessor against the total area of real property used for agricultural purposes.
Veterinary Services Horse Import Permit Application
Permits for horses are $75.00 per horse. All other permits are $25.00 per species.
For all other species that require a permit (species other than domestic dogs and cats), please contact VIDA Director of Veterinary Services for permit requirements at david.wenger@doa.vi.gov.

Farmer’s License Applications
We have two applications, based on your status: New Applicants and Renewing Applicants.
Applications for renewing applicants are ONLY for those individuals with current, active licenses and the appropriate tax documentation. Please click below for information for New Applicants & the New Applicant Application.



Applications for Farmland
Please use the link below for information on how to apply for a lease to use a portion of agricultural land.

U&CF Tree Permit
To request a permit to prune or remove trees.
U&CF Grant Application
To access the grant proposal application form.
U&CF Grant Application Packet
To learn U&CF grant submission guidelines.
U&CF Grant Proposal Format
Format to submit U&CF grant applications.
Other Documents
St. Croix Farmers' Slaughtering Request Form
A request form to receive slaughtering services at our abattoirs.
St. Thomas Farmers' Slaughtering Request Form
A request form to receive slaughtering services at our abattoirs.
Land Preparation Requests
A request form to receive heavy equipment assistance for farming.
Heritage Tree Pruning or Removal Form
For use in requesting permission in removing or pruning a “Heritage Tree” as defined by Act 8149.
Phytosanitary Certificate
For shipping plants and plant material internationally
Tent Rental Form
To request the use of VIDA tents on St. Croix.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Latest News
STX Nursery Closed for Training
The STX nursery will be closed the rest of this week due to staff training. The nursery will resume regular operations next Monday, November 7, 2022 at it regular opening time at 8:00 AM.
Nursery Workshop for Reforestation and Restoration Tree Growers
VIDA teams up with US Forest Service and USDA to bring experts to lead educational sessions targeting our local nurseries and planting sites.
USDA Provides Emergency EQIP Funds to Help PR, USVI Farmers Recover following Hurricane Fiona
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is providing technical and financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to help farmers in Puerto Rico repair and rebuild damaged practices following Hurricane Fiona.
USDA Hosts Second African Swine Fever Action Week (October 10-14, 2022)
USDA experts take time to educate community and continue keeping USVI free from this threat to our food security
Get in touch with us!
Connect with us in our VIDA offices on St. Croix, St. John, or St. Thomas.
Or, send us an email using the button below.
(340) 778-0997