See the plan.
An Agricultural Plan Taskforce was convened and developed a complete Agricultural Plan which was unveiled on May 9, 2022 during a hybrid event.

What We Do
The agriculture plan must be comprised of:
- A comprehensive regulatory component for the territory’s farming industries;
- Business models for profitable and sustainable community-based local food and farming businesses;
- A plan for the development of a position for and the hiring of a local food and farm coordinator to carry out programs and to coordinate efforts within 180 days of submission of the plan;
- The creation of a local food and farm fund from voluntary sources to support initiatives, and agriculture-related activities;
- Recommendations for the establishment of a local food and farm advisory committee, composed of seven members, including the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture or the Commissioner’s designee, the Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority or the Executive Director’s designee; two members from the University of the Virgin Islands, including the President of the University of the Virgin Islands or the President’s designee and the Dean of Agriculture or the Dean’s designee and three other members appointed by the Governor, with those three being farmers from each island, to create and oversee the local food and farm fund, participate in the grant decision-making process, disburse resources from the fund, advise the Local Food and Farm Coordinator, collect and evaluate critical local food systems production and marketing data and, respond to any requests by the Legislature for policy or funding recommendations;
- The creation of a “local food symbol” that can be placed on stickers, posters, stamps, etc. for sale;
- The development of education and training programs for local food farmers, entrepreneurs, and processors; and
- The collection of data, creation of benchmarks, and assessment of progress on the building of the local food and farm economy.”
Agricultural Plan News & Information
Farmers’ Engagement Survey
May 17, 2021, US Virgin Islands –Pursuant to Act No. 8404 of the Thirty-Third Legislature of the Virgin Islands, the Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture and the President of the University of the Virgin Islands are required to develop an Agricultural Plan comprising of eight (8) mandates....
Food Security Town Hall Meeting
Dear Virgin Islands Community: Pursuant to Act 8404 signed into law on December 11, 2020, the Commissioner of Agriculture and the President of the University of the Virgin Islands have been charged to create an Agricultural Plan for the Virgin Islands. An Agricultural Plan Taskforce has been...
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