JULY 14, 2020, US Virgin Islands – Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 in the territory the Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture will be curtailing hours, effective immediately to limit exposure and promote the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, and the Virgin Islands community at-large.
VIDA will modify business hours effective Monday, July 13, 2020 to be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. This will provide critical support of our community’s effort to increase food production. We encourage our customers and farmers to limit visits to our offices unless purchasing seedlings, feed, or other agricultural supplies on those days.
For documents requiring signature: Please deliver them to the office on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday and the documents will be returned to you on the following open business day.
Otherwise, most required forms or documents are available on our website at https://doa.vi.gov or they can be emailed directly to you. For more information, please email us at info.doa@doa.vi.gov.
For inquiries outside of these hours, please contact us at (340) 778-0997, on St. Croix; (340) 774-5182, on St. Thomas; or (340) 776-6274, on St. John. Visitors to our offices will be required to maintain our social distancing policy of six (6) feet at all times.
Veterinary Services are essential and on-going, please contact Dr. Bethany Bradford at (340) 642-7320 or email her directly at bethany.bradford@vi.gov.
We will continue to sanitize and maintain markets that have been officially reopened by VIDA. Please be reminded that masks are mandatory for vendors and patrons.
In these anxious and uncertain times, we urge our community members to keep safety in mind, as we at VIDA continue to serve in our mission to develop, support, and promote an economically lucrative agricultural industry in the US Virgin Islands while protecting consumers, farmers, and the environment.
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